Rajapur Saraswat Sangh - Mumbai
The RAJAPUR SARASWAT SANGH, Mumbai, was founded on the auspicious RAM NAVAMI day, ie., 15.03.1950. The Rajapur Saraswats hailing mainly from Dakshina Kannada district (Karnataka) and surrounding places wanted to have a common forum aimed at bringing about co-operation and upliftment, social entity, economic welfare and development. The people though lived close by were strangers to one each other another at one time. They never mixed with each other and would never talked in Konkani (ie., our mother tongue) fearing that people will laugh at them. The litracy rate was too low.
On observing the condition and situation of our community people, some of the Wisemen of the community felt need for unity among our community memberswas realised. Late Shri Devendra D Prabhu(founder and chief architect of the Sangh) and other leaders like Late Shri Somayya S Nayak, Late Shri Vithobha S Prabhu , Late Shri Putta Nomayya Nayak, Late Shri Waman Salvanakar, Late Shri Raghunath K Prabhu, Late Shri Shamrao R Prabhu, Late Shri Damodar N Kamath, Late Shri Devanna D Patkar, Late Shri Mahadev R Patkar, Late Shri Subraya R Prabhu, Late Shri S Narayan Nayak, Late Shri Pandurang M Prabhu, Late Shri M Rama Nayak & Late Shri Shivram D Nayak came together, sensed and felt the need of unity of our community people. These founder fathers were very much worried about the poverty, backwardness and illiteracy of our community people and elevation of these three things had become the motive for formation of the Sangh. These leaders wanted to have a common forum aimed at bringing about co-operation and up-liftment, social entity, economic welfare development. The motto was to guide and help youngsters and hence decided to form the Sangh. It was because of the relentless day-night efforts of these leaders, an organization named RAJAPUR SARASWAT SANGH came into existence on March 15, 1950 ( Ram Navami Day).
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The main objects of the formation of the Sangh was to :
- To encourage and spread of education
- To grant loan/free/merit scholarships for educational purposes
- To start, run and conduct reading rooms and libraries
- To conduct talks, debates and discourses
- To render relief in cases of distresses
- To establish, conduct and run hostels for the community people
- Rajapur SaraswathUtsav (a full-day-get-together) on every year on 26th January. Great personalities who have rendered or rendering great services to the community or for their outstanding achievement will be felicitated on this day. Variety entertainment program by Mahila Mandali/Yuva Vrinda members, felicitation of meritorious students, felicitation of the members who have completed 75 years are the additional attraction of the program.
- Shiva Aradhana Day (celebration of Maha Shivarathri day - by Mahila wing ) in the month of February/March
- International Woman's Day (organized by Mahila Mandal) in March
- Chaithra Gawri Haldi Kum-kum in April
- Samoohika Upanayana on Akshaya Thritheeya Day or on any auspicious day
- Personality Development Camp (jointly with MahilaMandal & Yuvavrinda) in June
- A separate get-together for Senior Members (60 plus) in June
- Vara Mahalxmi Pooja in August - (organized by Mahila Mandal)
- Righupakarma on Shravani Poornima at its Parel office in June/July
- Sharada Pooja / Daandiya Raas - Navrathri Uthsav (jointly organized with Mahila Mandal & Yuva Vrinda in October/November
- Annual Sports (organized by YuvaVrinda)
- Organizing various other competitions
The first committee was elected on 15.03.1950 consisting of Waman Salvankar (President), Devendra D Prabhu (Hon. Secretary), Somayya S Nayak(Treasurer), Putta Nomayya Nayak (Vice President), Vitobha S Prabhu, Narayan S Nayak, Subraya R Nayak, Ramchandra V Nayak, Mahadev R Patkar, Pandurang M Prabhu, Shivram D Nayak, Shyamrao R Prabhu, Raghavendra K Prabhu, Vyasaraya V Nayak, Shivraya D Nayak, Ramchandra D Bhat & Shyamrao K Borkar. R. S Prabhu & Ramchandra V Nayak were internal auditors and Shri Shivraya D Nayak was the Accountant.
The Sangh was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1953 (Act 21of 1860) on 24.01.1953 and under Public Trusts Act, (Act 29 of 1950) on 29.11.1954/1959(Registration No: F 636 (Bom).
Majority of the people staying in Mumbai were facing difficulties in getting finance/monetary help to and because of this they could not start their own business. The Sangh could not fulfill these need being a charitable trust. A need to help these people by way of financial help was felt and under the guidance of the Sangh and chief promotership of Late Shri B Annayya Naik, Shree Durgaparameshwari Co-operative Credit Society Ltd was started in 1958. The society started functioning from Sangh's office only. The main aim of this institution was to provide loans to the needy to meet their urgent needs like housing, educational assistance and for business purpose. People have utilized this facility and have benefited from the society.
The Sangh started functioning from a very small rented room at 51, Patelwadi, Parel, Bombay - 400 12 (before this committee members used to meet at Shri D D Prabhu's Sadananda Vishranti Griha at Parel) and subsequently Sangh bought its own building in 1970 opposite to KEM Hospital, Parel known as Saraswat Sadan, the building earlier was known as Dinshaw Terrace. Later on, in 1984, Sangh purchased a flat in Dombivli which is being used for religious purposes.
The year 1975 was the silver jubilee year of the Sangh. The occasion was celebrated with much pomp and glory, several members took part in the fund raising , bringing out souvenir, entertainment programmes etc. The inauguration ceremony was held on 05.10.1975 at Shanmukhananda Hall, Sion, Mumbai, followed by religious functions on 27.12.1975 :Maha Ganapathy Homa, Sathyanarayan Pooja and Haldi kumkum in the evening. The founders of the Sangh were honoured during that occasion.
During this time, it was felt the need of unity of women members of the samaj. With the sole intention of brining all the women members of Samaj under one umbrella and to encourage them to take active role in the progress and development of the community, RAJAPUR SARASWAT MAHILA MANDAL - a wing of female members of the Sangh was formed in 1976. Late Smt. Leelavati D Prabhu, Smt Poornima K Nayak, Smt Savita R Nayak, Late Smt. Prema D Tendulkar and Smt Radhika G Nayak were the founder members of this Mandal. Late Smt Vishaya C Salvankar was the first president of this Mahila Mandal. The Mahila Mandal is organizing picnics/tour, tilgul samarambha on Makar Sankranti day, sports, Bhajans, Maha Shivrathri Aradhana, Chaitra Gawri Haldi Kumkum, Sharada Pooja, International Women's day etc.. It Mahila Mandal is playing a very big role in Sangh's programs like Rajapur Saraswat Utsav (a full day get-together) & Navrathri Utsav. The Mahila Mandal, under the dynamic presidentship of Smt Smita Vaman Patkar, is doing yeomen services to the society and every Rajapurkar has to be proud with its activities. The Mahila Mandal, under the dynamic presidentship of Smt. Smita Patkar, orgnisedits 1st Rajapur Saraswat Mahila Sammelan on November 21, 2010 at GSB Seva Mandal, Mumbai. Bhajan Progammes were regularly conducted on auspicious days by the Mahila Mandal members & also at member's residence at their request. Sandhya Suraksha Nidhi to help and take care of elderly people of the community was constituted under the guidance of the Sangh.
With the progress and development of the community economically, religiously, socially and educationally, more and more people started migrating and settling down in Bombay/Mumbai. Their standard of living progressed day-by-day. People could afford their houses and children's education. More and more people, due to their education and knowledge, entered into various fields like business world, corporate world, politics etc. Younger generation too started taking interest in the progress of the community. It was during this time, it was felt that the youths should take more and more interest in the progress of the community. It was also felt that the youths should be made more aware about their responsibility towards their community. And accordingly, sensing the importance of youths in the progress of the community, the Sangh with an intention of bringing all the youths under one wing, formed the Rajapur Saraswat Youth Club on 24.11.1992 under the banner of the Rajapur Saraswat Sangh with a goal for fostering unity, fraternity, mutual love and co-operation amongst the younger generation. The hard efforts to form this Club were taken by its founder members viz., Ms. Supriya Nayak, Ms. Rajini Nayak, Ms Shobha Nayak, Ms Meena Nayak, Mr Suresh Nayak, Mr Kumar Nayak, Mr Sunil P Nayak, Mr Umesh Nayak and Mr Dayanand Wagle. The main objective of the Wing was to bring all the youths together and to work for the unity and progress of the community. Later on, this Youth Club came to be known as Rajapur Saraswat Yuva Vrinda. The Yuva Vrinda is also doing yeomen services to the community by organizing picnics, sports, personality development camps and other cultural activities. Yuva Vrinda too, like Mahila Mandal, is playing a very big role in Sangh's programs like Rajapur Saraswat Utsav (a full day get-together) & Navrathri Utsav.
As an offshoot, many active members of the community, under the banner of Rajapur Saraswat Sangh and chief promotership of late Shri S. Sanjiva Nayak - the then president of the Sangh, decided to form a Co-operative Bank. The Bank took shape in the form of R S Co-operative Bank Ltd at Borivli in 1977. Having a Bank of our community was a dream fulfilled of all the Rajapurkars in Mumbai. The Bank is has six branches today.
Golden Jubilee of the sangh was celebrated in the year 2000 with full pomp and show. The inaugural function of the Golden Jubilee celebration was inaugurated on March 25, 1999 (Ram Navami Day), a day on which the Sangh was born 50 years ago by Late Shri Somayya S Nayak, one of the founder members of the Sangh. A Gana Homa and Sathyanarayana Mahapooja were organized during the occasion. The Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee with the active support of the committee members organized various functions at Goregaon on 04.06.1999 and Dombivli on 05.12.1999. Various extra-curricular activities like singing competition, seminars etc were also organized during the golden jubilee year. During this period of the Golden Jubilee celebration, an Education Fund named Golden Jubilee Education Fund was constituted. The concluding function was held on 04.06.2000.
The 60th year of the Sangh was also celebrated in the year 2000 with various activities, competitions and seminars etc.
With the intention to encourage education amongst the community people, Sangh has constituted many memorial/ educational funds. Today it has 56 Education /memorial funds. Interest accrued on this fund is being distributed as free scholarships to the needy and deserved students. Sangh is also helping the poor students under its Students Educational Expenses Reimbursement Scheme. To encourage girl/female students, scholarships are being distributed under its SarvaBalikaShikshanaYojana Scholarships. Sangh is felicitating meritorious students and awarding merit scholarships. A separate amount has been kept aside for the benefit of the students who are pursuing vaidik education. It is helping many people by providing medical assistance to the needy and in the eventuality of any distress, Sangh will always be first in helping such people. Sangh has distributed around Rs. eight lakhs as total scholarships for the year 2012-13.
Documentary Film: The Sangh produced two documentaryfilms : ROOTS AND BRNACHES, containing the history of our samaj and Kaivalya Math under the direction of Mr Shankar Madkekar, Andheri.
The following activities are being organized by the Sangha:
The above programmes are in addition to the other programs individually organized by the Mahila Mandal and YuvaVrinda.
It was long standing dream of the Sangh to have its own website to get connected to the Samaj members and provide relevant information about Sangh's activities. Shri Viraj Kamath, an active Youth Wing Member of the Sangh, has come forward to devote his time for developing the website and maintain the same. I, as the President of the Sangh, on behalf of the Sangh, thank Shri Viraj Kamath and others who have directly or indirectly supported and helped to develop this website.
The development, upgradation and maintenance of the website will have certain amount of expenses. In order to have a self sustaining model for the website, we are planning to generate revenue by providing advertisement space in the website. The advertisement space can have links to the website of the advertisers or can have separate page/s for advertisement in the website. SamajBhandhavs are requested to come forward to support and sponsor this website by subscribing advertisements. We are sure and confident of wholehearted support from the Samaj in making this self sustainable model of this website.
P. D Borkar,
President, Rajapur Saraswath Sangh,